Agriculture - Key Themes
Here are some of the key themes for advancing agriculture:
In order to meet the needs of the world’s poor, practitioners need to take this one step further and develop agricultural programs that leverage innovative linkages with other sectors; this includes linking agriculture with emergency response; health, water and sanitation, and nutrition; natural resource management and climate change adaptation; microfinance; learning and knowledge management; and ICT.
# Market approaches to agricultural recovery from disaster: diverse uses of vouchers
# Agriculture and nutrition to improve the health status of vulnerable households
# Multiple uses of water for agricultural sustainability
# The role of finance in agroenterprise
# Mobile technology in agricultural development
Policy processes: what political, organisational budgetary processes promote or hinder pathways to pro-poor, agriculture-led growth? What role should different actors, including Ministries of Agriculture, have in this?
Growth and social protection: what are the trade-offs and complementarities between growth and social protection objectives?
Agricultural commercialisation: what types of commercialisation of agriculture both promote growth and reduce poverty? What institutional and market arrangements are required?
Science, technology and innovation: how can agricultural technology be made to work for the poor? How are technology trajectories linked to processes of agrarian/livelihood change?
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