Albanian Tomatoes Destined for Montenegrin Tables
Albanian Tomatoes Destined for Montenegrin Tables
Top quality greenhouse grown tomatoes from the productive farm land of Gorican are now part of the cuisine in restaurants and family dinner tables of Montenegro. The AAC Team brought an export buyer and supplier group together for this trade opportunity as part of AAC market expansion mandate .
Each week a truck from Budhva arrives in the village of Gorican. Members of the Hortigor Association meet with the exporter to first decide on the farm gate price and then allocation of quantities amongst the members to fill the order. Then a small van picks up tomatoes from one farm at a time and unloads into the buyer’s truck.
To date four loads have been shipped. According to the trader, while he is generally satisfied improvements are needed. “The group needs to organize themselves better. A community collection center and simple packing site is really needed to improve efficiency and avoid loading delays.”
The Hortigor members are satisfied with the trade relationship. As one grower said, “The trader pays above whole market price and buys at the farm gate thus lowering our costs.”
Discussions have started between the buyer and the association on procuring cucumbers. However, first the growers will have to change the variety they currently produce. “The market in the neighboring country requires a different kind of cucumber. I can only buy what he market needs “ said the buyer.
The AAC team will be working with Hortigor to assess their risks as well as opportunities for selling a new variety of cucumber into a new market.
Trader inspects tomatoes destined for export