Saturday, July 02, 2005

First Strawbale Cool Storage in Armenia

Paul Sommers, USDA MAP Marketing Advisor, invited Daniel Retz, an engineer and a Peace Corps volunteer, to build a straw bale building for cool storage in Jrahovit village funded by MAP. The local cooperative members helped Mr. Retz in construction. According to him, straw bale buildings, widely used in the West US and in many other countries, insolate the storage space far better than stone buildings. In addition, it is cheaper, faster, and easier to build. "This is a special application and can be suitable for both cool storages and for houses," said Daniel. The idea is to use this storage as a model. There are already people and projects interested in using this method for building social buildings and houses. As stated by Daniel, straw bale storages will also allow reducing air pollution: it can become a value added product for farmers when sold as building material rather than burning the straw as a waste product. Daniel Retz and the cooperative members learned by doing. Their experience can be used for other straw bail constructions. Jrahovit fruit grower cooperative will own and maintain this cool storage. A compressor, evaporators, condenser, piping, and other necessary equipment have been installed. Very soon the members of the cooperative will start storing their fruits and vegetables in this unique straw bale cool storage, which is the first and the only one in Armenia. Paul Sommers made noticeable efforts to make this project happen. Vachik Grigoryan, assistant-translator and Levon Yeritsyan, driver, also provided valuable help.